Wednesday, January 27, 2010

clear my schedule

It's quite possible that I will never be happy. At least not as far as job schedules are concerned. For most of my working life (starting when I was 15 - I will not include babysitting in this) I have worked part time retail / restaurant / customer service jobs with varying hours, as is common for people before they get their 'real' job. This schedule worked well for me while I was in school as I needed the flexibility inherent in these types of jobs. But after graduation I really started to get tired of the flexible schedules, unusual hours, the lack of normalcy and consistency that comes with such a career. So I up and got an office job. Plenty of stability, hours are always the same and I have more normalcy then I know what to do with. Well, guess what? It's driving me crazy. Granted, I have been at this job for over two and a half year (god, it sounded bad in my head but seeing it in writing is even worse) and it might be more that than the hours that are causing this issue but I can't be sure.

Clearly, this is a case of the grass is always greener and all that but that does not make it any less persuasive of a feeling. Right now nothing sounds better to me then having a job where the time slot and programming always change. Where the sense of routine is shaken up a bit. This is made worse by aforementioned funk (see yesterdays post), as I know that, in a more clear headed place, I would realize that though I do really enjoy certain aspects of a unscheduled life (sometimes there is nothing better than having a Wednesday afternoon off from work and all to yourself) there were also serious reason why I did not like it. So I think when pursuing my future career I need to keep all this in mind. I need a balance, somewhere between what I had and what I have now. Whatever is between street musician and corporate accountant - that's where I should be.


Rachel said...

I think if you read my last blog post you will be inspired for a new career.

Whitty J said...

HAHAHA - that sounds like the perfect 'job'. Plenty of time for my dirty-book hobby.

I'm off to buy some sharpies as we speak!