Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Party

Dec. 13th (yeah i know I'm not good with the time sensitive posting) was my Company's holiday party. It was a lot of fun; amazing food, open bar, dancing, more open bar, a lot more dancing. My boss sent me some photos she took that night. I look really confused in that one. That's all.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Do you know where my assets are?

For all of you being kept up at night wondering if my assets (funny I know) were going to be seized due to a pending lawsuit, that was a result of the car accident I was in this spring, can sleep easy tonight. I received word the other day that the guy I rear ended (see story below) has decided to settle with my insurance company for a pretty awesome $8k. Which is ridiculous considering the man was not at all injured. Whatever; me and my assets are safe.

The Accident; for those who have not heard it already.

So May 1st 2007 I was driving on the 5, headed downtown, when the car in front of me stopped quickly. Now I'm not gonna say that I'm not at fault for this part, because I did hit his car. But I noticed in enough time to slow down significantly before the impact. So the damage done to the guys car was minimal at first. Then the stunning fellow behind me smashed into the back of my now not moving car and pushed me back into guy #1. Now my car is totally fucked and his is a little worse, but still ok. As a note he was driving a BMW suv. He did need a new bumper, but only for aesthetics really, as his car drove away after the accident just fine. Julio (my car) and guy #2's car were totalled. The joy of accidents followed; police reports, tow trucks, sad calls to insurance agents...blah, blah, blah.

So from all that guy #1 ended up asking for $11,000 for medical/pain and suffering. My insurance only covers $10,000; that's where the whole seizing my assets came into play. Which of course made me laugh because I own nothing I, nor anyone else, would consider an asset. Unless you count my gold fish or maybe my 7 year old computer. In the end all is right and peaches stays with me.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I've decided to develop a very distinctive swagger. It seems to work really well for guys on Hollywood Blvd and I think I have a lot to offer the world of sassy walking.

I'll be practicing it on the streets of Hollywood in the near keep an eye out.

Monday, December 17, 2007

death of a gerbil

This weekend there was a death in apartment 140. It all started Saturday evening. Sherri and I returned late from an evening out. I was in my bathroom washing my face when I heard Sherri start to call my name. I ran out of my room to see Sherri searching through the gerbil cage in her room. One of the gerbils was missing she said. My first though was that it was dead somewhere in the bedding. They were getting kinda old and that one had always been a little sickly. Sherri was panicked, so I donned a zip lock bag as a glove and started digging through the bedding for the gerbil. We emptied that cage and still no sigh of little Geegee (that spelling is improvised). Could he really have climbed out? And if he did that meant he was somewhere loose in the apartment. Shit. So we started looking everywhere. In cabinets. Under the bed. EVERYWHERE. Then I started looking again through the bookcase the cage sat on. I opened the very bottom door and looked behind some papers and there he was. Curled up into a little ball and shaking. But still alive.

I scooped him up and put him into the cage. He drank a little water but would not touch the food. The other gerbil immediately came over and started licking him and trying to cover him in bedding. The next morning he was still alive but not much better. Then at some point mid afternoon Sherri checked on him again and he had died. I guess the fall, plus the fact that he was with out food and water for a while, was too much for him. The poor little thing looked so cute. But then came the hard part. What do you do with a dead gerbil when you live in an apartment building in the middle of a city? We decided he had to be buried. There was no way I was going to throw him away in the trash. So after awhile we found a place in the flower beds outside our apartment building. We dug a little hole and cover it with a rock. I'm not gonna lie it was really sketchy. People kept driving by looking at us; at one point a cop drove by and I though about the story we would have to tell him if he stopped and asked us what we were doing. But we finished the burial in peace. So now every time I leave the apartment I drive by his little gerbil grave. Sad.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I feel so unproductive lately. Though I don't really miss college, I miss the fact that my classes forced me to be creative and produce things. I keep telling myself that I should really paint or sketch or something but I usually never do. I feel like I'm getting so far away from what I went to school for and it's starting to freak me out. It's so easy to keep going with what I'm doing and not work towards doing what I want. I guess I'm just being lazy.

On a less whiney note I'm getting really excited to go back to CT. When I think about how it's been a year since I was last there it seems so weird. It better snow when I'm home.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

damn it

Also why is it that my header looks different on every computer...stupid computers.

seattle...a real post

This Thanksgiving I went to visit my lovely friends Jill and Rachel in Seattle. The highlights of the trip were; Two Thanksgiving dinners, pins made out of felt in the shape of CT, experiencing cold without being too cold, tours of Seattle given by Jill Labieniec, sleeping in the bed of two sexy ladies, and of course Mountains covered in snow.

As imagined Seattle is really nice and filled with good coffee. I miss being in a city where walking is possible and necessary. Seattle is definitely a place I could see myself living at some point. It has the city vibe but seems to be much more laid back then East Coast cities. Visiting other places inevitable leads me to compare them to LA and that makes me think about whether I like LA or not. The answer is never simple. Though I will leave my LA evaluation for another post. I do feel that I am not ready to move to another city; be it that the thought of everything involved in moving to another place makes me want to vomit or maybe I feel that I need to give LA more time. I'm not a quitter damn it. If the job thing would just come together I would be loving LA, well maybe.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


I spent Thanksgiving in Seattle with Jill and Rachel; I wanted to put some pictures on here while I was at home. Details of the visit to come...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Coffee with Batman

I've been working in Hollywood for almost 6 months now (damn, I need a new job) and everyday I'm more convinced that the world has gone fucking crazy. Or rather that the world is making itself seem crazy for entertainment sake. And it's not just the 45 year old semi-homeless guy who gets into his superman costume in the ally by my building that makes me feel this way. It's the whole atmosphere of what people apparently see as entertainment. I like crazy; I like the inherent craziness that any city has. But when it comes to crazy I value sincerity above all else. But when people come to Hollywood they come for a manufactured synthetic sense of crazy. I'm not a tourist, but I think it is safe to say that what draws people to this area in Hollywood is the weirdness (whatever kind of weirdness you like, there is something for everyone). Seeing a guy in a loin cloth handle fake pythons makes people happy here. I have done no official research on the topic, but I would say that the entertainment factor of crazy rises exponentially the further it is from somewhere you would call home. In other words, people would not like python guy hanging out in their living room.
This is making me sound like I don't like fun (which I do) and yes I realize that Hollywood and Highland is one big tourist explosion, but there is something really depressing about seeing it everyday; like walking backstage at a carnival (or just going to the carnival everyday). Also I get bored at work and over analyzing things has become my new past time.

Monday, November 12, 2007

So I saw this article today online. I actually read the study that went along with it too and I just don't know what to think about it. I guess it's interesting, but I can't help thinking it's crap (and kind of pointless). I guess I'm not much of a feminist.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

People I know have discovered that I have started a blog and are inquiring about it so I feel compelled to make this available to the general public (aka the 2 people i know who will actually read this).

Whenever I start to write something on here I feel a lot of pressure to make it interesting. Which I think is what made me stop keeping a blog in the past. I know more then anyone else that my life is not very interesting, but then again neither is yours (probably).

I'm not sure what compels people to tell others the crap that happens to them in any given day but whatever it is, it is motivating me to write this. So this morning when I was taking the subway to work (yeah that's right I take the subway in LA, I am avant guard) I took a seat in the pretty much empty train. Then a few minutes before the train is about to leave the station a guy comes and sits in the seat near me. In the first few seconds (before my body realized what was happening) he seemed normal, he was fairly well dressed and LOOKED clean. Before I go on, let me just say that I've lived in Boston, I've worked at Starbucks; I have smelt the homeless. But this guy was the worst combo of pee and b.o. EVER. I literally spent the next 8 minutes (that's how long it takes me to get to work) trying to breathe as little as possible without passing out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So it's possible that I have failed already with the whole blog thing. I need to work out the layout and such of this thing and then maybe actually post.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

So I have decided to try again to keep a blog. We will see how this all turns out.