Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekend Itinerary

Rachel is coming to visit me this weekend. Our itinerary is below.

Friday Late Afternoon: Pick up Rachel from airport. Drive her through the ghetto on the way home.

Friday Night: Go to Old Town Pasadena for dinner, frozen yogurt, fun.

Saturday Morning: Sunrise yoga.

Saturday a little later Morning: Rachel will make me breakfast in bed. Than we will ready ourselves for bridesmaid madness.

Saturday late morning: Go to jcrew at The Grove and see if we can weasel our way into gettin' at some bridesmaid dresses. Also be on the lookout for MK&A.

Saturday Afternoon: Eat lunch at the Farmers Market. Head back to Pasadena for legit appointment at a bridal store.

Saturday Late Afternoon: Drive back home - look for celebs from car window.

Saturday Evening: Dinner. Jane goes to theatre. Rachel - tbd.

Saturday Later in the Evening: Get coffee for Rachel because she will be tired. PARTY! Possibility of late night taco truck.

Sunday Morning: Brunch. Walk to the mall to buy makeup from The Body Shop.

Sunday Afternoon: Go to the beach.

Sunday Later Afternoon/Early Evening: return from beach (return time is dependant on how cold it is at beach).

Sunday Evening: Dinner - Rachel's treat. After dinner stroll through the neighborhood. Go home go to sleep.

Monday Morning: Wake up and take Rachel the airport :(

* Schedule subject to change without notice.

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