Monday, March 29, 2010


My roommates cats are plotting my death. When Sherri is out of town they spend their nights thinking of ways to off me. This is nothing new, every time she goes out of town I end up leaving my door open so they won't cry. At first I thought that this was because they wanted to be near me or were used to sleeping with someone around. I realize now it's so they can enact their various plans of attack. Last night was my first night alone with them in awhile and they attempted to kill me with sleep deprivation. They alternated walked over my legs all night, meowing randomly around my room (and trust me they are loud), jumping up on my window sill while knocking as much stuff over as possible, along with sleeping by my face in such a way that their tails flicked my face every few second.

Now we all know cats are prone to such behavior just to entertain themselves, I however know they are doing this in the pursuit of my death because every once and awhile I would look up and see one of them watching me. Just sitting there staring at me, perhaps watching to see if I was still breathing. This morning when they realized I had made it through the night I could see them hatching a new plan for tonight. I wonder what it will be, my bet is on suffocation.