Friday, March 28, 2008

diabetes? cake?

I think I have contracted diabetes; I say contracted because it happened much in the same way I imagine people to contract an STD. I made one simple mistake, in the form of a piece of cake and now I can feel the disease in my blood (I've never had an STD but in my mind you can also feel them in your blood). I'm now looking at the remains of said cake much as someone would look back on the night of a drunken hookup (this in my analogy is how the STD was contracted). I don't know all the symptoms of diabetes but if they include sluggishness, regret, the feeling that your blood is actually being turned into sugar along with the strong desire to take a nap, I have the disease for sure.

The saddest part is this happens every month when my office decides to honor those born in that month with above mentioned diseased cake and some good old fashioned office camaraderie. I should be use to this by now.


Rachel said...

I would like you to mail me some cake

Anonymous said...

Great work.