Tuesday, April 8, 2008

bitching about it is working well so far...

As of late I feel pressure to decided upon a price, that when reached I will stop participating in this gas consuming culture. Not pressured to actually stop buying gas per say...more so that I can participate in conversations with outraged drivers. With gas very close to $4/gal. here in LA everyone seems to have this magic number; "that's it when gas gets above {insert magic number here } I'm buying a bike/taking the subway/not going to work anymore (you can fill in the blank with whatever ingenious money saving scheme you want). However I for one am not buying it. The only thing that is gonna happen when (not if) gas goes about $4 is that people are just going to be more pissed. Yes there may be a few people who seek out alternate forms of transportation but they will be the minority. As long as there is gas to buy people will buy it at almost any price.

This is sad I wish I believed people when they say they will radically change their gas consumption habits but I don't; I'm not just passing blame along I also will not stop driving. I will however probably limit how often I drive which I should be doing already.

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