Tuesday, February 26, 2008

how I started off my day...

Who invented the cat-call? Seriously, I want to know. Many, many years ago did some drunk guy call out 'hey babe, lookin' good' to some girl walking by and then somehow every guy around him was like, 'damn I bet that is a good way to get ladies'. Well its not. I'm sure it did not work for the first guy who tried it and it is still not working today. I say this from the perspective that it has never worked on me or anyone I know. Perhaps there are some women out there who do actually sleep with every guy who calls to them from a street corner/parked car/moving car/balcony or any other place where they can be heard. To those women I would say stop fucking up my theory (actually I would probably say a lot of things to them; not the least of which would be 'please stop') .

I realize this is not an original rant...women are always pissed about this, but I think we have the right to be. If I was walking to the train this morning wearing a leather mini-dress with thigh high boots I would at least be able to understand why the gentleman (I say that sarcastically) sitting by the street felt to need to say to me 'hey mamacita' as I walked by. I say understand but probably not really condone. I mean if you are dressed like that you ARE looking for attention and I can't really feel that bad for you. However, nothing I was wearing featured leather or could be mistaken for something a stripper would wear so I don't see what provoked that comment.

Going back to why men do that. I mean really...has it ever worked? What makes men feel the need to comment on women passing by? I realize it's generally only sketchy guys (and really drunk ones) who do this so I'm sure what motives them is something I can't even comprehend (nor would I want to). But every time it happens I inevitably spend part of the day thinking about why. Not so much that I'm mad (though it does piss me off) more because I can't understand it.

Sorry that was long...

Also, how exciting to live in a city where I can be cat-called in different languages.

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