Thursday, June 5, 2008

something's going on here

I think I'm starting to show the early signs of sleep-walking (well maybe not), regardless something very strange is happening. You should know that as a general rule I'm always cold and when I sleep this is made even worse by the fact that I'm not moving/the AC is really strong in my room. So I tend to sleep wearing a lot of clothes (I'm very sexy). The first time 'it' happened I went to sleep wearing yoga pants, t-shirt, hoodie and socks (not joking about the cold thing) however I awoke NOT WEARING PANTS. I'm not a sound sleeper, I don't do things in my sleep and not remember it - at least I never use to. To make it worse my pants were across the room laying in my the closet. I definitely thought this was weird but I said 'hey maybe I just got really angry at the pants in my sleep and threw them from my bed'. Makes sense right?

Last night it happened again. I went to sleep in pants, a long sleeve shirt with a t-shirt over it (don't ask) and socks. This time when I woke up the long sleeve shirt was in a pile at the end of my bed. SOMEHOW in the night I took off both the long and short sleeved shirts and then put the short sleeved shirt back on. All with no memory of this whatsoever. Now I'm freaked out - what else am I doing in my sleep? Also if I got hot why put the t shirt back on? I have my own room, who am I being modest for? So it's settled, I'm going to start locking myself in at night.


Rachel said...

Apparently last night Neal got up to go the bathroom, and when he came back I sat up, opened my eyes, and said "your horoscope doesn't match" and then fell back asleep. It's true I am officially a sleep talker. We can have a support group. :/ Once i woke up with no pants and was freaked out too.

Rachel said...

I feel like if I comment you should also respond to my comments. I don't like seeing "1 comment"

Whitty J said...


I see. I like that not only do you talk in your sleep now, but it's clearly formed (though totally random) sentences.