Sunday, January 3, 2010

wtf New Years Eve

I want to met someone who has ever had an epic, life changing, nothing is ever gonna be the same New Years Eve. I know these people have to be out there because why else would the rest of us feel such pressure to have one of these nights ourselves. I can't remember a year that I did not feel like I was missing something. I clearly have never had one of these NYEs and to be honest I don't think I need one. I'm perfectly content to have a fun, if not somewhat tame night but it seems I might be the only one. It's virtually impossible to get many people to commit to doing something, as the illusive 'epic night' might be just around the corner and people don't want to miss out on that by partaking in a less than epic offer.

I know many people who have attempted to organize a party/event on New Years Eve and often to no avail as it did not, for whatever reason, seem to offer what people were looking for. I am fully willing to admit that I'm not super cool - I don't think I will ever be invited to the best NYE party in the city, never mind hosting it. But I also think most people aren't that cool either. No one wants to admit that they don't have that amazing night lined up and they are willing sacrifice an actually enjoyable night to keep the impression that they have something cooler to do.

So I say again where are all the epic night people? I've asked around and most people seem to have similar experiences of thwarted plans and undo pressure. Basically people just need to come clean and we can drop all this pretense about New Years Eve and stop searching for a life changing experience.

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