Operation Morning Yoga is a success...kinda. Well day one anyway. I managed to wake up early and do about 30 min of yoga this morning but it was not easy. The waking up part was not the issue, as I really only had to wake up at 7:45, it was the actual yoga that was a little difficult. For two reasons I'm assuming: one I have not done yoga in months (and months) and two, because my body is not used to being that active at that time of day. It takes me a long time to wake up in general - not that I lay in bed and snooze but the process of me becoming alert is a long and complicated one. It involves coffee, some food and time. Waking up and immediately asking my body to do something physical was not something it was use to or happy about.
I'm not giving up though, I will push through this and hopefully with time it will be easier. And less painful.
As an added bonus (and in case anyone thought I was lying) I have included photos of my yoga routine below.
You're welcome Rachel...

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