Back story: I moved into a new apartment last May and since it never rains in LA I did not discover until November that the large window in the living rooms leaks - a lot. Since discovering this it has been an ongoing issue to get it repaired. So far they (my management company) has 'fixed' the leak 4 times. Every time though, the next rain would bring more leaks and more phone calls to our management. The last time it leaked (late January) I had had enough and decided a strongly worded email was the way to go. Names and addresses have been removed for obvious reasons.
My name is Jane Whitty and I live in unit xxx at xxxx xxxxxx Ave., [my roommate] reported a leak in our apartment on Monday. This is the third time we have contacted PAC regarding this issue and there has been absolutely no resolution. Twice (this will be the third time) maintenance crews have come to our apartment to work on this issue. Every time we report this issue it takes numerous phone conversations to actually get any information on what is going on. Last time I had to put up signs, after explaining many time over the phone, pointing to where the leak was coming from to actually get the correct area repaired. And each time we are told the issue has been resolved and each times it rains the same spot leaks as if nothing was ever done. This is unacceptable. Today you contacted Sherri to tell her that nothing can be done until it stops raining. While I understand there are limitations to when repairs of this nature can take place this is not an acceptable response as you have know about this issue for months. The leak is causing damage to the unit as well as requiring constant clean up from us on a daily basis. And as this week has provided high rainfall the maintenance on our part has been burdensome. I need to hear, either in response to this email or via phone, that the repairs have indeed been done and that you have tested the repair so that this issue will not come up again. If after this third repair the area still leaks, I feel, we will have to look into other ways to resolve this issue as a constant leak is not an option. In addition to this issue I would like to report that the heat in the main living area (living room and kitchen) is not working again. I believe Sherri contacted you at least once about this issue as well. The thermostat seems to be working, however, no matter how high we set it the heat does not turn on. Could you please send someone out to look into this issue. You have permission to enter the apartment at anytime if no one is available when the maintenance person arrives.
I can be contacted either by responding to this email or by cell,
Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters.
Sent January 20th
Update: So after receiving this letter they did sent someone out who repaired a crack in the exterior and resealed the window. All seemed well, the repair survived one round of rain. So when I heard it was suppose to rain this weekend I was not concerned - I figured we were safe. Clearly, I spoke too soon because I just received a message from my roommate saying that, oh guess what? It's leaking again. So basically I'm furious. This is the 5th time! 5th time! we have had to contact them about this. Enter bitchy email number two.
This email is to inform you that our apartment is once again leaking and from the same spot that has been the issue all along. Though the last repair, which took place after my original email was sent, did hold for a few weeks it clearly did not fix the issue. As I stated in the email sent January 20th this issue is becoming increasingly burdensome and as repair after repair fails Sherri and I are becoming even more frustrated as it seems this issue is not something PAC is able to resolve. It is now Friday evening and as your offices are closed for the weekend (and it is expected to rain all weekend) we will have to provide continual clean up after the leak. Come Monday when your offices reopen Sherri or I need to hear an actual plan to fix this issue that goes beyond what has been done already. As you have known about, and been unable to repair, this issue since November I expect a concrete solution or as I said in my January email we may have to seek outside repairs. It is an undo burden to expect us to deal with a leaking window every time it rains while time and time again no repairs you have provided resolve the issue.
My contact number is
Sent February 5th
Notice complete lack of pleasantries here. So now I'm off to research LA renters laws to see if I can actually hire my own repair person like I threatened...
Updates to follow.
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