This blog entry is going to be a departure from my normal style and context. I've decided to dedicate this entry to someone very special to me, without whom my days would be boring. Though no one who does not know her will ever be able to appreciate the depth of her character and the complex person that is Tropicana Malulu ,I thought this list of essential character traits would help those who are not fortunate enough to have her in their life.
The Essential Tropicana
+ likes to build forts
+ enjoys Jameson
+ is currently celibate
+ researches how to preform fish abortions
+ has fish
+ only eats imported Kielbasa
+ lives in a mysterious land filled with snow and crazy people
+ enjoys Jameson a lot
+ is currently looking into being on the Tyra Banks show
+ has considered becoming a madame
+ has done extensive research into pregorexia and drunkorexia
+ loves B.A.D's
+ is an expert on all things day time television related
+ is a professional hermit
+ drinks a lot of Jameson
If you have had the pleasure of knowing Tropicana Malulu please let me kn0w of anything I should add to the list.
Tropicana I hope you read this!
DRUNK POST??!! i want to meet tropicana and be her bff!!!
luv u
[winky face]
I'm calling you Jilly from now on!
-- likes to dress as tuft's kids for halloween
-- likes to have showdowns on Somerville ave
-- likes to ride in famous hockey players trunks
all I can think of for the moment...
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