Monday, February 23, 2009

that's awkward

I like to think that I'm not that awkward of a person. I know I have my moments and am by no means suave (do people still use that term?). But all and all I would say I do ok for myself in social situations. For whatever reason though when I'm talking to someone who is very awkward I become increasingly awkward around them. I'm not sure what it is but it is not ok. Maybe I'm trying to match their level of awkward to make things less weird, or am thrown off by them entirely. This happened fairly recently and it was disturbing. My head was totally aware that what I was saying and how I was saying it was awkward but I could not snap myself out of the awkwardness. I just kept saying weird things that made it seem like this was maybe the third conversation I had ever had with a person. Maybe this is normal maybe it is impossible to remain normal when talking to an awkward person? I don't like it though; it makes me feel like I regressed back to my middle school level of social interaction.

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