This happened awhile ago but I think it deserves an entry.
While sitting outside at a certain frozen yogurt place one night awhile back I, all of a sudden, became aware of something flying through the air in my general direction. In the second before it made impact, on the side walk right in front of me, I thought it might have been a snow ball (I realize it was LA in September and there are no snow balls here but in that second my mind was not able to process all that). It turned out to be an egg not just one egg but two. The second one landed off to my right near a table of older women. The egg never in fact hit me (thank god or I would feel forced to track down the bitches that threw it) it landed on the sidewalk in front of me; yoke and shell spattered on my bag and a little on my shoes. No real harm done (though the older ladies did not seem to think so as they made something of a fit to the yogurt place employees). The point is who the fuck throws eggs at people??? I did not see what car they came from as they were very quick about the whole thing which added to the very surreal element of the experience. Unless they were trying to enact revenge on someone sitting there and just have bad aim I don't see the point. What kind of sick joy do you get out of thinking that you may have just hit someone in the face with a raw egg.
When I look at the title of this post quickly I think it says "engaged" , and I think, "hmm.."
I do plan on notifying you of my engagement via blog though.
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