Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who wants my stuff when I die?

I have reason to believe that I'm actually dying. And not just in that 'we are all dying a little every day' way. My lymph nodes have decided to explode, which can only mean my death is imminent.

The Story:

Monday morning while at work I happened to notice a lump in my neck. It was kinda big (about 1/2in), at least big enough to make me worry a little since this is not a normal occurrence for me. Though I did not freak out about it too much. However as the day went on I noticed another one and then another. Now I was pretty worried as I knew they were multiplying. Once I got home my roommate said it was most likely my lymph nodes as the lumps were changing in size and all in areas where there are lymph nodes in the neck. I decided to try and sleep it off (as that is my cure for most things) this proved to have the opposite effect however. Not only were the ones in my neck still there this morning but I found one in my pelvic area (sexy, I know). At this point I began to mentally compose my will.

So currently the count is up to 6 - 4 in my neck, 1 right above my collar bone and the sexy pelvic one. It's very weird also because they are all on my right side. In the beginning when there were only the ones in my neck I thought maybe the wisdom tooth was to blame since the one on the right side has been super painful lately (apparently they can cause swollen lymph nodes) however now that seems less likely. I was able to schedule a doctors appointment for Thursday(hopefully I make it that long) so after that I should know more about what is going on.

The stupid thing about swollen lymph nodes is that they can be caused by about 175 different things. So I could have anything from a mild infection of some kind to AIDS or maybe cat scratch fever or Mono or syphilis or ...

Basically I have begun putting people names on the items of value that I own. I don't want there to be any fighting over my belongings when I die.


Rachel said...

I would like all of your stuff. Because as your advisor, I have advised you to go to an urgent care clinic and you have dismissed my advice. Make it payable to the rachel estate. thank you


Whitty J said...

uummm i'm not giving away any cash. just my personal belongings; rolls of tp, half used shampoo, possibly my jewelry if I deem you deserving.

Rachel said...

Can't take cash to the grave there lady c];) (that's my cowboy hat)