Thursday, April 17, 2008

crazy people on the phone

So I spend a decent amount of my time at work on the phone with people; for the most part these are brief interactions with people who have simple requests. However every once and awhile a crazy person will call complaining about something (I work in an office that does real estate investment as well as manages a lot of different properties) usually it's tenants or potential tenants. Anyway the reason they call is not really important. What is important is that I have come to realize that crazy people all behave the same way on the phone (it's entirely likely they are the same in person as well but I try to avoid speaking with crazy people in person).

You can tell you are talking to a crazy person the phone when:

1.They begin by speaking to you like you already refuse to help them, even if you are being helpful.

2. They either refuse to give you their name (though they assure you they are important) or they are over abundant with their personal info. Full name/address/telephone # and cell #/email/website if applicable. Note you did not ask for all of this.

3. They speak fast (especially considering they are asking you to write down every word that is coming out of their mouths so that when you relay this message you don't mess it up) and paranoid, kind of like they fear someone is going to jump out at them from where ever they are.

4. Since they are inevitably calling because they have been slighted in some way (crazy people are always getting fucked over) they will say numerous times that they are not someone to be treated like this and they have never in their lives been in such a situation. Though considering they are usually dicky on the phone I find it hard to believe that no one has ever been rude to them before.

5. They have a confused sense of social/business hierarchy. "No the principal of the company can't talk with you right now, yes I do understand you are important".

Now I don't think all the people who call in with complaints are crazy, but some definitely are and for the most part they all exhibit the above traits. Also I think they are a special kind of LA crazy. I don't think the false sense of superiority is as big an influence in the crazies of other places.


Rachel said...

I think this post deserves a cowboy



Anonymous said...

I always read your blog but I never comment, probably because I'm a creep. I'm not even sure how I found it. But I really enjoyed that post.

Rachel said...

Yay I <3 Sarah!

Whitty J said...


I have not talked to you in forever. I'm so glad you read it - I thought rachel was the only one (not that you aren't cool rachel). Thanks for commenting!

Rachel - I have the feeling now that you created the cowboy you are going to be using it A LOT.

Rachel said...

I love the cowboy. Also look at all these comments. No more whining about no comments. I thought I was the only person who read your blog too. Although sometimes I read it out loud to the cat, and she likes that.

c);-) cowboy
c);-) cowboy
c);-) cowboy!!!!

Anonymous said...

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