Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Magic of Hollywood

While eating my lunch in an outside courtyard this afternoon (it was really warm today) I over heard the following:

*For this to make sense it's important to know that this evening there was going to be a Democratic National Debate at a theatre right down the street from where we were. Also Hollywood is full of crazy people.

Scene: Two 35-40 year old flamingly gay men and their dog [Cuba] sit outside a Fresh and Easy on Hollywood Blvd.

Gay #1 [the flamiest of the two]: OMG have I shown you the forks they have here?

Gay #2: Yeah, how they are so tiny?

Gay #1: I KNOW. They are so Fresh and Easy.

Random gay banter continues. Punctuated by the occasional outburst. After a few minutes this woman walks up to them.

Woman: [In amazing british accent] Hello, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions regarding the election? If you plan on voting that is?

Gay#2: Um, sure.

Gay #1: Are you going to put us on Television? Are we going to be stars?

Woman: No, I don't have a video camera. But it will be going on the internet.

Gay #1: Well talk to him [referring to gay#2] I'm having one of those days.

Woman: [attempting to talk to the one guy] Ok, so I'm just going to ask you if you have decided who you are going to vote for, what influenced your decision, and what issues are most important to you.

Gay #1: [talking over the woman] Do you ever have one of those days? You know what I mean right?

Gay #2: [to gay #1] Oh my you are positively hyper today. [to woman] I'm voting for Hilary...I love Hilary.

Woman: Ok, what influcened that decision.

Gay #2: oh I don't know...ask him.

Gay #1: No don't. I'm voting for Hilary too. Though I think the whole political system is a sham. They are all robots.

Woman: [to gay #2] Well you must have some reason you chose her.

Gay #2: I'm voting for Hilary because I love her hair...she has AMAZING hair...I love her hair.

Gay #1: We both love her hair.

Gay #2: I love her hair, her persona, I love her husband.

Woman: [laughing] I see. What issues do you think are important. Which ones pertain to you.

Gay #2: I guess the economy. Yeah I think she is very strong on the economy.

Gay #1: [to woman] where are you from?

Woman: I was raised in London. But I was born in Mexico.

Gay #1: Ooooo, where?

Woman: Mexico City.

Gay #1: I LOVE Mexico is full of aliens. Are you an Alien? Have you even seen them?

Woman: No I have never seen them, but I've heard.

*Gay #1 then starts talking to the woman in Spanish for awhile. She then asks if gay#2 can also speak Spanish.

Gay #1: NO he can't speak.

Gay #2: Un Pequito.

Woman: Oh. Well let me get your photos for the internet.

Gay #2: We should pose with Cuba.

Gay #1: Oh GOD don't take my picture I'm too old.

*He then strikes a series of elaborate posses.

The order of this has changed a little due to the fact I can't remember it all word for word, but that was pretty much how it went down. When I left they were attempting to get the dog to look into the camera 'dramatically'.

I wanted to take the dog. Someone should give Cuba a better life.


Rachel said...


Someone should definitely give Cuba a better life. Nice.

Rachel said...

Why is your blog so much better than mine?!!??! I should name mine witty rachel and it will be a hit. I could use my gigabye joke. also last night i was singing really low and i asked neal if i was singing in ''balsetto''. hahahah.

Rachel said...

i'm still laughing

Whitty J said...


Do you sit around and wait for me to post so you can comment.

My blog is not better - people read yours and it looks a lot nicer too. I can't really say what will happen if you start sharing your jokes on the internet, but I think the internet would be a better place. Or something.

Rachel said...

I'm just on the internet a lot.