I've been working in Hollywood for almost 6 months now (damn, I need a new job) and everyday I'm more convinced that the world has gone fucking crazy. Or rather that the world is making itself seem crazy for entertainment sake. And it's not just the 45 year old semi-homeless guy who gets into his superman costume in the ally by my building that makes me feel this way. It's the whole atmosphere of what people apparently see as entertainment. I like crazy; I like the inherent craziness that any city has. But when it comes to crazy I value sincerity above all else. But when people come to Hollywood they come for a manufactured synthetic sense of crazy. I'm not a tourist, but I think it is safe to say that what draws people to this area in Hollywood is the weirdness (whatever kind of weirdness you like, there is something for everyone). Seeing a guy in a loin cloth handle fake pythons makes people happy here. I have done no official research on the topic, but I would say that the entertainment factor of crazy rises exponentially the further it is from somewhere you would call home. In other words, people would not like python guy hanging out in their living room.
This is making me sound like I don't like fun (which I do) and yes I realize that Hollywood and Highland is one big tourist explosion, but there is something really depressing about seeing it everyday; like walking backstage at a carnival (or just going to the carnival everyday). Also I get bored at work and over analyzing things has become my new past time.